Friday, July 23, 2010

I Cannot Live With Roommates

It's official, I seriously cannot live with other people. When I moved out to California last year I had a friend who already lived here and she suggested that we get an apartment together to save money. Me never having had a roommate before I thought it would be cool so I said yes. MISTAKE #1. We moved in together in August, it was rocky after a few months and by December we split. She blamed me for her being broke all the time saying that we were suppose to move in together to save money and that she hasn't been able to save money since. I told her that was her problem that she can't budget her money. She never paid for anything for me, I always had my share of the rent and bills on time, so if she's broke then that's not my problem. Got into a big fight one morning. I go to work and then the police show up with a restraining order telling me that I can't go back to my apartment and can no longer live there etc. I was SHOCKED...completely SHOCKED to the point where I almost passed out. Being told you don't have a home anymore...worse feeling in the world! I stayed with a coworker for a month and then got my own place in January.

In March 2010, another coworker of mine needed somewhere to stay while she found a place for her and her daughter. She was staying with her brother and he got evicted or something like that. So when she asked me if she could stay with me for a month, my southern side kicked in immediately and I said "Of Course!" MISTAKE #2. Home girl didn't make it past Day 18! First, she told me that she had a storage room and that she was going to move all her stuff into the storage room and then just bring small stuff to my apartment. She was moving on a Sunday and I was gonna be at church so I left my door open so she could move in while I was gone. I got back from church, walked into my apartment and exclaimed "Jesus take the freakin' WHEEL!" There was so much stuff in my apartment that I could BARELY walk around..not to mention there was a dog too. But I was like "Ok it's only gonna be for a month." To make a long story short, she was ok in the beginning and then started trying to boss me around in my own apartment just because she was older than me..and then one day she BEAT her child right in front of me..I mean BEAT her. I called the cops. I did not want that mess going on in my home..hell no!!! She stayed with someone else that night and then the next day I put her stuff outside.

I have two more bad roommate of them, I'm currently going through now..and it's seriously driving me and this guy might seriously throw down and get into a physical fight! I will save those stories for another post...Thanks for reading! :)


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