Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Faith

I've always been a faithful person. Not necessarily faithful to a certain religion, but just faithful in a higher power. I've pretty much experimented with all religions, which i think everyone should do to decide for themselves what their spirit resonates with. I grew up Christian, and eventually that's what I fell back into. Some people question why? Especially with me being a gay guy. They see that as being contradictory. I don't see it that way. Being gay has not ever been a choice. The only thing I chose to do was to be open about it. The same way that having curly hair was not something I chose, but I did chose to be open about it and let it be curly. Hmmm...I think I'm stumbling upon some type of metaphor or something. Ok stay with me.

I have curly hair. When I first discovered (yes, discovered) I had curly hair after letting it grow out, I was freaked out and didn't like it and didn't want it. I tried many many times to make it "straight." Relaxers barely phased it, flat irons never worked until I got the HOLY GRAIL of Flat Irons...The CHI..which really only worked until I got it wet also took 3 hours to straighten because my hair is so thick..ok moving on. So then once I figured out there was no way to make my hair straight, I cut it all off and went back to the buzz cut I had when I was a child. After a while though, I just wanted to be myself. So I let it grew out again and it's been growing and curly ever since (3-4 years). In relation to my sexuality it's the same way. I realized I was gay and I tried very hard to change and nothing I did changed who I was. So I just ignored the feelings for a long time until I finally got tired of hiding who I was..I wanted to be free and develop friendships with people who liked me for ME..not the straight person with straight hair I was PRETENDING to be. So I came out and it's been great ever since. :)

Back to my faith. I believe God made me gay for a reason. People can argue and throw scriptures around the debate of this topic but my rock solid belief is that God created us all to serve his purpose and while we are in this transition on from Earth to heaven, we are suppose to learn and grow with him and above all, show compassion, teach others about his grace and practice LOVE.

Jesus said: "Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and I will be with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen" - Matthew 28:19-20

What did Jesus command?
"As my father has loved me, so have I loved you, continue in my love. This is my commandment. That you love one another as I have loved you." - John 15:9-12

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